Expedition Farm Country_JLM-6900.jpg

Caring for Our Birds

The Iowa Turkey Federation represents over 130 turkey farmers in the state of Iowa.  More than 97% of farms in the United States are family farms, and Iowa’s turkey farms are no different.  Many of our farmers are the 2nd or 3rd generation to raise turkeys in their family.

Iowa's turkey farmers take great pride in raising their turkeys in large, temperature-controlled barns where they are free to roam about while protected from the outside elements and safe from predators. Farmers also use the latest technology in litter management and barn ventilation to keep turkeys comfortable.

Fresh water and nutritious feed are available to the birds 24/7.  In it's lifetime, each turkey consumes approximately 1 bushel of corn and 1/3 bushel of soybeans, making feed the #1 cost in raising turkeys. In addition to the corn and soybeans, the feed also contains essential vitamins and minerals.

All turkeys are free of hormones and steroids!  These have been prohibited for use in poultry in the United States since the 1950's. Not only are hormones and steroids illegal to administer to turkeys, they are not economically or scientifically effective for raising wholesome and healthy birds.

Animal welfare is a top priority for Iowa's turkey farmers.  They work closely with veterinarians to ensure that the turkeys are receiving the best healthcare possible.  All farm families are instructed on animal welfare standards set forth by the National Turkey Federation.  In addition, our growers participate in continuing education to ensure they stay informed and up to date on best practices while ensuring the proper care for their birds.
